The Australian Human Rights Commission is holding a consultation in Darwin on Wednesday November 13th. The topic of the consultation is Discrimination in relation to pregnancy and return to work.
There are two consultations planned for Wednesday November 13th in Darwin:
- 1 - 2.30pm for individual men and women
- 3 - 4.30pm for community services
This is the first time there has ever been a national data collection and research project on discrimination against women and men returning to work after parental leave, and only the second time since 1999 on discrimination against pregnant women at work. An Issues Paper is attached with more information.
The attached invitations provide information about RSVPing etc. The consultation is only being held in Darwin in the NT, but please contact me if you are from outside Darwin and wish to participate.
It is vital that we get as many women, men and services involved in these consultations as possible, so that we can get an accurate picture of the challenges facing this group and have an evidence base to work towards policy, legislative and cultural reform.
Please feel free to send these invitations on to any individuals who would like to share their story about challenges faced in the workplace while pregnant, on parental leave, or upon returning to work, and the consequences for them, their family and their career. Please also send it on to other services who work with these individuals or in this area.
Please do not hesitate to contact either me or the AHRC contacts if you need further information, or if you would like to participate but are outside Darwin.
Kind regards
Anna Davis